Capa: Slayer
Mosh Special: Celtic Frost, Slayer, VoiVod e Destruction
Mosh for Death: Holocausto
Mosh Interview: Mutilator e Vodu
Mosh Vídeo: Reign Blood Tour
Mosh Vynil: Korzus (Sonho Maníaco), Viper (Soldiers of Sunrise), English Dogs (Where the Legend Begin), Metallica (Garage Days Re-revisited), Mutilator (Immortal Force), Voivod (Killing Technology) e Panic (Rotten Crunch)
Mosh Live: Muitilator no Circo Voador, Taurus no Caverna II, Long Live Metal Work Festival III
Mosh New Bands: Ehxumer, Megaton, Cruciform, Merciless, Metralion, Battle, Tormenta, Bestial War, Exhort e Inquisição
Mosh Forever: Black Sabbath